Tips For A Plastic Free, Planet Friendly Kitchen

It's so easy to forget that the plastic we use doesn't just disappear when we toss it in the bin. It’s out of sight out of mind when our wheelies get emptied at the crack of dawn. Yet, it's got a long journey ahead of it. We're talking around eight million tonnes of plastic that's gonna stick around for another 400 years, whether it's sitting in landfills, floating in the sea, or shipped off to other countries to add to their landfills.
And when it comes to our kitchens, we're definitely part of the problem. With a mind-boggling 40 billion plastic utensils and 100 million plastic bottles used worldwide every day, our kitchens are major contributors to the plastic pandemic. But fear not, we've got some wicked tips to help you reduce your plastic use and waste in the kitchen.
Now, we know it's a bit of a maze at first to break away from the plastic habit. It's everywhere, and it’s not easy to break away from something that consumes the market of products and packaging. But we've got your back! We've compiled a list of ways to cut down on plastic in your kitchen and make a positive change for the planet. Let's kick plastic to the curb, one kitchen at a time!
Ditch The Kitchen Roll
You know, it's a common misconception that you can toss used kitchen roll sheets in the recycling bin. But the truth is, once you've used them to wipe up spills, they're not recyclable. In fact, did you know that putting just one piece of used kitchen roll in the recycling bin can contaminate an entire truckload of recyclables? According to waste management studies, contaminated recycling loads can result in as much as 25% of the materials being diverted to the landfill, adding to the already overflowing waste crisis. And let's not forget the plastic wrapping that comes with a two-pack of kitchen roll, contributing to the staggering 8 million metric tons of plastic that end up in the ocean each year. It's time for a change!
That's why I love using reusable kitchen rolls and dish cloths from Zero Waste Club. They can be used for cleaning up spills, wiping down surfaces or for cleaning your home. Once used, they can be washed and rinsed with soap and water and used again. When they need a deeper clean, they can be washed in your washing machine to refresh them for their next use. Not only are they eco-friendly and reduce kitchen waste, but they also save you money in the long run. It's a win-win for the environment, your wallet, and the landfill!
You can find Zero Waste Club's Reusable Kitchen Roll Here
Breakup with Cling Film + Bring In The Beeswax
Did you know that in the UK alone, we use a whopping 745,000 miles of cling film every year? Neither did we, BUT, that's enough to wrap around the earth 30 times! It's not just trying to get a flat sheet from the tube that's frustrating, but it's also suffocating the planet with plastic waste. In fact, according to recent studies, cling film is one of the top 10 most common items found in beach cleanups. It's time to break free from cling film's grip.
Enter beeswax wraps, the eco-friendly alternative. These cheese wraps are durable, reusable, and completely plastic-free. Plus, they're not just for wrapping up food, but also perfect for sandwiches or leftovers from veg prep. In addition to helping reduce plastic, you'll also be help save the bees. Bees not only play a vital role in food production and keep our plants thriving, they contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem stability. They support the growth of plants that provide habitats and food for other wildlife, creating a healthy and balanced ecosystem. With Beeswax Wraps from companies like The Beeswax Wrap Co.'s you know that you are helping save the bees and keep your food fresh (and free from plastic) for even longer. So let's jump on the bee bandwagon and say no to cling film!
Say No To The Sponge
Your typical kitchen sponge is actually made of plastic, and every time you scrub with it, it breaks down and releases tiny microplastics into the water supply. It's like adding minuscule plastic particles to your water that are too tiny to filter out. In fact, back in 2017, our government banned microplastic beads from being used in cosmetic and personal care products for this very reason. But what about those plastic sponges we use to scrub our plates every evening? They're doing the same thing, just on a smaller scale! It's time to break up with plastic sponges and switch to reusable brushes that are durable and climate-safe.
One great alternative to those cheap sponges we replace every month are Redecker brushes. These study scrubbers are reusable, and they last for months! Plus, if the brush head wears away, you can just replace the head, not the whole thing. No more dealing with pesky microplastics! By investing in reusable brushes, you're not only reducing plastic waste, but also saving money in the long run. It's a win-win for your kitchen and the planet!
Check Out Redecker Brushes Here
Re-fill NOT ...
The amount of spray bottles from cleaning products we chuck in the bin every year in the UK is mind-boggling. Brace yourselves, it's a whopping 468 million bottles! And to make it worse, around 83% of those bottles can't even be recycled because they're not clear.
There's a simple solution to tackle this problem and reduce plastic waste from your kitchen: refillable bottles of surface cleaners. Many eco-stores have refill stations where you can bring your empty spray bottles and fill them up with all the cleaning products you need. Saying no to single-use spray bottles and opting for refillable options is a small change that can make a big difference in reducing plastic pollution and protecting our planet for future generations.
It can be hard to get your head around how to phase out plastic in every day life. But small acts of investing in sustainable, planet friendly products, when made by millions of people, can make a big difference. We hope these tips can inspire you to think outside the box next time you need to replace a plastic product for your kitchen.